Revolving Loan Fund Eligibility Check

Current RLF Interest rate estimate: Loading...

The Current Interest Rate of the SWW RLF is equal to the greater of the WSJ Prime Rate minus 2% points, or 75% of the WSJ Prime Rate to a maximum of 10%, and not less than 2.5%. You can view the current WSJ Prime Rate here: The estimate is automatically calculated using data generated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US). Actual interest rates may vary or be adjusted by the Loan Committee depending on circumstances.

Business Information

Loan Information

Is the Loan Volume offered by Existing Lender sufficient for the project?

Loan Usage

Will this loan be used to provide part or all of the minimum equity contribution for a federal loan program?
Will this loan be used to invest in high interest accounts or other investments not related to job creation or retention?
Will this loan be used to Subsidize interest payments on existing loans?

Job Information

Will new jobs created target long-term unemployed persons?

Contact Information (optional)

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