Prosperity Southwest Wisconsin Asset Map: Economic Development Incentives

The Prosperity Southwest Wisconsin Asset Map of Economic Development Incentives is an ArcGIS Online web application platform which houses a toolkit of financial incentives within the region. Eligibility information is provided at the municipal, census block group, census tract, and county levels for financial incentives including Economic Development Administration (EDA) funding, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), Opportunity Zones, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund Investment Areas, New Market Tax Credits, TIF Districts, and Community Foundations for Community Development Projects.

The intended use of the web application is for the public, communities, or economic development partners to have quick access to financial incentive eligibility. The application could also be used as a resource during on-boarding of new economic development partners, and county or municipal administration staff. 

This map only highlights geographic eligibility for these incentives, based on various economic distress or entitlement criteria. It does not reflect an analysis of project eligibility since this information is not geographically bound.

The online map is current as of July, 2023. For more information any of these maps, contact Executive Director Troy Maggied at / 608-342-1636 or GIS Specialist Jaclyn Essandoh at / 608-342-6005.

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