Village of Arena Comprehensive Plan 2020 - 2040

The Arena Comprehensive Planning process is a grassroots effort that began in 2016 to bring together community stakeholders to collaboratively plan and create a unique, flourishing, and resilient Arena for the 20 years to come. This plan is the result of extensive public input collected through six public input sessions and a community survey. Together, over 34 unique participants provided their experience and expertise during these public input sessions. Additionally, a Community Survey was distributed — gaining input from 45 people, 73% of whom did not attend a public input session for the comprehensive plan.

This planning process resulted in Goals, Strategies, and Actions organized by four topic areas. These topics include: Community Resources (inclusive of Community, Culture, and the Environment), Infrastructure (inclusive of Transportation, Housing, Utilities, and Public Safety), Economic Development, and Land Use and Implementation.

Through these Goals, Strategies, and Actions and the public input sessions, three themes were recognized. These are issues that were continuously acknowledged by community members as high priorities. The themes were: Marketing Community and Regional Assets; the Importance of Public Spaces and Institutions; and the Need for Citizen Engagement in Public Activities.

This planning process was completed by Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SWWRPC) in coordination with the Village of Arena Planning Commission and Village Council.

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