Created under state law, rail transit commissions oversee preservation, operation, and improvement of freight rail lines. SWWRPC provides land management and administration support to the Pecatonica Rail Transit Commission, South Central Wisconsin Rail Transit Commission, and Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission. Each of these commissions fall completely or partially within the five-county region.
The Wisconsin River Rail Transit Commission deals with rail matters in the counties of Crawford, Dane, Grant, Iowa, Jefferson, Rock, Sauk, Walworth, and Waukesha.
The South Central Wisconsin Rail Transit Commission is responsible for the rail corridor which is now a trail, running from Madison, WI to Freeport, IL. The rail corridor is the Badger State Trail in Wisconsin and becomes the Jane Addams Trail at the Wisconsin/Illinois state line: there is no active rail.
View our South Central Wisconsin document archives.
The Pecatonica Rail Transit Commission oversees rail issues in Green and Rock counties and trail matters in Iowa, Green, and Lafayette counties.
View our Pecatonica Rail Transit Commission document archives.